Natural Resources

Electric infrastructure security updates advance

Senators gave first-round approval Jan. 30 to a bill that would update provisions intended to prevent electronics made by foreign adversaries from being installed in electric infrastructure near sensitive military installations in Nebraska.

Sen. Barry DeKay
Sen. Barry DeKay

Under a bill passed last session, electric suppliers must provide written notice to the Nebraska Power Review Board before beginning construction on or acquiring certain electric generation facilities or transmission lines located within a 10-mile radius of a military installation.

A similar requirement applies to the owner of a privately developed renewable energy generation facility.

The notice certifies that the infrastructure contains no materials, electronics or other components manufactured by any foreign government or foreign nongovernment person determined to be a foreign adversary under federal regulations.

Under LB43, sponsored by Niobrara Sen. Barry DeKay, the notice requirement also would apply if a supplier expands, alters, reconstructs, upgrades, repairs, engages in maintenance on or installs new or replacement equipment or components in such infrastructure.

DeKay said the bill would ensure the requirement applies only to “electronic-related” equipment and components — not parts such as nuts, bolts and screws — in electric infrastructure located near Offutt Air Force Base and ballistic missile silos in western Nebraska.

Among other changes, LB43 also would allow an electric supplier to submit a one-time written notice to the board certifying that the supplier is continually operating in compliance with the notice requirements. A supplier would have to submit further notice any time it no longer is in compliance.

“[LB43] streamlines what we passed last year in LB1370 and makes it much easier for electric suppliers and the Power Review Board to work with,” DeKay said.

After adopting a technical amendment on a vote of 41-0, lawmakers voted 39-0 to advance the bill to select file.

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