Health and Human Services

Bill would clarify state-funded nursing care for family

The Health and Human Services Committee heard testimony Feb. 9 on a bill meant to clarify permitted practices under the Nebraska Nurse Practitioner Act.

Hoskins Sen. Dave Bloomfield said he introduced LB1083 to clarify for the state Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) that they may hire nurses to provide home health care to family members.

Bloomfield said he believes the department is misinterpreting recent changes in state law. The changes made to the nurse practitioner act do not apply to family members providing home health care, he said, adding that such care can be essential for patients.

“It is my firm belief that no one can or will provide the extra-touch care of a family member,” Bloomfield said.

Dee Shaffer, a nurse who has cared for her son at home for the last five years, testified in support of the bill. Shaffer said she was recently informed by DHHS that she would no longer be compensated for providing him care.

“I was told that I could no longer work with my son,” she said. “The monies I earned in this position I used to support my son’s special needs.”

No one testified in opposition and the committee took no immediate action on the bill.

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