Government Military and Veterans Affairs

Ban on PSC gifts, contributions proposed

A candidate for or member of the Public Service Commission (PSC) would be prohibited from accepting certain gifts or contributions under a bill heard Feb. 9 by the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee.

Under LB1025, introduced by Lincoln Sen. Bill Avery, a PSC candidate or member could not accept a gift or contribution from a person engaged in a business that applies to and receives its authority to conduct business in Nebraska and is subject to oversight by the commission.

An officer, director, partner or member of such a business also would be prohibited from giving a gift or contribution.

Avery said the bill was not the result of any wrongdoing by current or former PSC members, but was introduced because of the addition of oil pipelines to the types of businesses that the PSC regulates.

“The pipeline industry is large; it is very wealthy,” he said. “They have deep pockets and they have a history of using their money to influence public policy.”

Approximately 90 percent of campaign funds raised by members of the commission are donated by individuals and industries that the PSC regulates, Avery said, adding that such a relationship may create the appearance of impropriety.

Jack Gould of Common Cause Nebraska testified in support of the bill, saying that most individual donations from CEOs, board members and directors of regulated industries are small enough not to require reporting and therefore are difficult to track.

“Pipelines add a whole new dimension to this – a new level of seriousness,” he said.

No one testified in opposition and the committee took no immediate action on the bill.

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