Day six bill introduction
Senators reconvened Jan. 11 to continue introduction of new bills.
Among the 63 measures introduced were:
LB281, sponsored by North Platte Sen. Mike Jacobson, which would require the state Department of Economic Development to provide grants for youth outdoor education camp facilities;
LB285, introduced by Sen. Lynne Walz of Fremont, which would adopt the School Community Eligibility Provision Maximization Act;
LB288, sponsored by Brainard Sen. Bruce Bostelman, which would require the state Department of Motor Vehicles to establish and maintain an online verification system for accessing certain private passenger motor vehicle insurance and financial responsibility information and authorize a disclosure under the Uniform Motor Vehicle Records Disclosure Act;
LB294, introduced by Sen. Danielle Conrad of Lincoln, which would adopt the Child Tax Credit Act;
LB296, sponsored by Lincoln Sen. Beau Ballard, which would adopt the Pet Insurance Act;
LB299, introduced by Sen. Lou Ann Linehan of Elkhorn, which would require approval by the voters of a school district or educational service unit for the issuance of certain bonds under the Interlocal Cooperation Act;
LB328, introduced by Lincoln Sen. Jane Raybould, which would create the Office of Liaison for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons;
LB334, sponsored by Sen. Mike McDonnell of Omaha, which would adopt the Reentry Housing Network Act and provide a duty for the state Department of Correctional Services and the Board of Parole.
LB335, introduced by Hastings Sen. Steve Halloran, which would adopt the Health Care Staffing Agency Registration Act; and
LR18CA, sponsored by Omaha Sen. Megan Hunt, a proposed constitutional amendment to protect the right to reproductive freedom.
A complete list of bills introduced thus far is available at New bills may be introduced for the first 10 legislative days, or until Jan. 18.