Day two bill introduction
Lawmakers reconvened July 26 to continue bill introduction.
During bill introduction, Omaha Sen. Justin Wayne offered a motion to adjourn sine die and end the special session immediately.
In remarks to fellow lawmakers, Sen. John Arch of La Vista, Speaker of the Legislature, encouraged senators to vote against the motion. Many bills have yet to be introduced, he said, and adjourning sine die would prevent their consideration.
Arch said senators owe it to Nebraskans to stay in session and address property tax reform.
“We have an opportunity to do what others have failed to accomplish,” he said. “With the citizens watching, I would only ask that we apply ourselves to addressing these issues.”
Wayne’s motion was defeated on a vote of 4-34.
Among the 16 measures introduced were:
LB23, introduced by Sen. Robert Clements of Elmwood, which would change provisions relating to the Cash Reserve Fund;
LB28, sponsored by Sen. Eliot Bostar of Lincoln, which would change calculation of the base limitation for political subdivision budgets;
LB30, introduced by Omaha Sen. Jen Day, which would change provisions relating to homestead exemptions for certain disabled veterans and surviving spouses;
LB34, sponsored by Sen. Tom Brewer of Gordon, which would change the method of assessment of real property; and
LR6CA, introduced by Omaha Sen. Kathleen Kauth, a proposed constitutional amendment that would impose a limit on ad valorem taxes for real property, provide a new method of valuing real property for tax purposes, provide certain exceptions and eliminate conflicting constitutional provisions.
A complete list of bills introduced thus far is available at New bills may be introduced for the first three days of the special session, or until July 29.
Arch noted that the Legislature had been scheduled to meet on Saturday, July 27. That schedule was altered, he said, in order to allow sufficient time over the weekend for all proposed bills to be drafted and then introduced next week.
Public hearings on proposed legislation will begin July 29 at 9:30 a.m. Only measures that are referenced to a standing committee will receive a public hearing.