Day seven bill introduction
Senators introduced 31 measures on the seventh day of bill introduction Jan. 16.
Among the proposals were:
LB1022, sponsored by Lincoln Sen. Matt Hansen, which would provide for election of election commissioners and eliminate certain deputy positions;
LB1024, sponsored by Elmwood Sen. Robert Clements, which would change provisions of the Intergovernmental Risk Management Act;
LB1025, sponsored by Lincoln Sen. Kate Bolz, which would create the Tax Credit Buy-Back Program;
LB1039, sponsored by Omaha Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh, which would adopt the Hunger-Free Schools Act;
LB1040, sponsored by Omaha Sen. Tony Vargas, which would provide for a state food insecurity nutrition incentive grant program;
LB1042, sponsored by Gretna Sen. Andrew La Grone, which would authorize and provide tax deductions for contributions to the Nebraska educational savings plan trust by employers and persons other than participants as prescribed;
LB1043, sponsored by Blair Sen. Ben Hansen, which would change provisions relating to regulation of health care facilities;
LB1045, sponsored by Plymouth Sen. Tom Brandt, which would require the posting and reporting of tax incentive information under the Taxpayer Transparency Act;
LB1046, sponsored by Henderson Sen. Curt Friesen, which would change provisions relating to taxes and fees on community antenna television service; and
LB1052, sponsored by Lincoln Sen. Anna Wishart, which would change provisions regarding the preferred drug list under the Medical Assistance Act.
A complete list of bills introduced thus far is available at New bills may be introduced for the first 10 legislative days, or until Jan. 23.