
Bills introduced Jan. 14

Lawmakers convened Jan. 14 to continue introducing new bills.

Among the measures introduced were:

  • LB422, sponsored by Omaha Sen. Jeremy Nordquist, which would change eligibility provisions under the Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool Act;
  • LB424, sponsored by Omaha Sen. Scott Lautenbaugh, which would change bond liability provisions under the Nebraska Educational Finance Authority Act;
  • LB431, sponsored by Kearney Sen. Galen Hadley, which would adopt the Health Care Quality Improvement Act;
  • LB433, sponsored by Lincoln Sen. Kathy Campbell, which would change contract requirements for child welfare services between private agencies and the state Department of Health and Human Services;
  • LB436, sponsored by Grand Island Sen. Mike Gloor, which would change provisions relating to taxation of cigarettes and tobacco products;
  • LB440, sponsored by Elk Creek Sen. Lavon Heidemann, which would change adjusted-valuation provisions within the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act;
  • LB446, sponsored by York Sen. Greg Adams, which would change duties and funding provisions relating to educational service units;
  • LB451, sponsored by Omaha Sen. Brad Ashford, which would change court fees, procedures, offices and judgeships;
  • LB461, sponsored by Omaha Sen. Pete Pirsch, which would adopt the Freedom of Conscience Act; and
  • LR29CA, sponsored by Omaha Sen. John Nelson, a proposed constitutional amendment which would prohibit state government from engaging in collective bargaining.

A complete list of bills introduced Jan. 14 is available at NebraskaLegislature.gov.

New bills may be introduced for the first 10 legislative days, or until Jan. 19.

Committee hearings are scheduled to begin on Jan. 18 and continue through mid-March.

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