Urban Affairs

Zoning notification changes considered

The Urban Affairs Committee heard testimony Jan. 21 on a bill that would change requirements for municipalities providing notice to neighborhood associations of zoning and redevelopment plan changes.

Currently, municipalities are required to provide notice by certified mail. Under LB679, introduced by Omaha Sen. Heath Mello, a neighborhood association electing to receive notices could request a preferred method of notice, including email, regular, certified or registered mail.

Mello said the bill would acknowledge changes in communication since the original rules were adopted.

“These were written at a time when the Internet was not widely utilized,” he said.

Mike Battershell of the United Neighborhood Alliances of Omaha testified in support of the bill. He said several days often pass before he is able to get to the post office to retrieve certified or registered mail.

In addition, Battershell said, the current process is expensive for city planning departments. Each item on a planning agenda results in a separate mailing to neighborhood associations, he said, at a cost to the city of $6.11 per notice.

Battershell said he received six such notices last month, which easily could be sent via email instead.

Jack Cheloha, representing the City of Omaha, also supported the bill. He said the change would be in keeping with the transparency sought by current notification requirements while also saving money.

“We think that this could become a more efficient and a better way to do things,” Cheloha said.

No one testified in opposition to LB679 and the committee took no immediate action on the bill.

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