
Bill would remove teaching requirement from superintendent positions

A lack of teaching experience would not disqualify a school superintendent candidate under a bill heard by the Education Committee Feb. 5.

Currently any person considered for a superintendent position must have at least two years of classroom experience. LB539, introduced by Omaha Sen. Ernie Chambers, would remove that requirement.

Chambers said he introduced the bill because teaching experience does not inherently qualify someone for the role of superintendent. Many potential candidates do not apply because they lack the required two years of teaching, he said.

“I don’t see any connection between two years of teaching and the ability to effectively operate a school district,” he said.

Jay Sears, representing the Nebraska State Education Association, opposed the bill, saying the role of superintendent requires more than managerial skills.

“Our whole process of preparing educators to be teachers, principals and superintendents is based upon a progression of knowing about education,” Sears said. “All professions have standards and we have ours.”

No one testified in support of the bill and the committee took no immediate action on it.

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