Health and Human Services

Foster care review office established

Nebraska’s current Foster Care Review Board will be replaced by a Foster Care Review Office under a bill approved by the Legislature April 5.

The 11-member Foster Care Review Board was created by the Legislature in 1982 as an independent agency to provide oversight to the state’s foster care system.

LB998, introduced by Omaha Sen. Bob Krist, abolishes the board and establishes a Foster Care Review Office. Terms of the current 11-member Foster Care Review Board will be terminated.

Under the bill, the newly created office will be a non code agency within the executive branch. All staff except the executive director will be transferred from the Foster Care Review Board to the Foster Care Review Office.

The bill also creates a Foster Care Advisory Committee. Lists of potential appointees will be submitted to the governor by the Legislature and members will be limited to two consecutive three-year terms.

No member of the advisory committee may have a financial interest in the foster care system or be employed by the state Department of Health and Human Services, a county, court, child-caring agency or child-placement agency.

The bill has an operative date of July 1, 2012.

LB998 passed 45-0.

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