Natural Resources

Oil pipeline land reclamation bill passed

Lawmakers passed a bill April 2 that addressed reclamation requirements following oil pipeline construction in Nebraska.

LB845, sponsored by Cedar Rapids Sen. Kate Sullivan, strengthens requirements currently outlined in the Oil Pipeline Reclamation Act.

Among other provisions, the bill requires that:
• genetically appropriate and locally adapted native plant materials and seeds be used based on site characteristics and vegetation as determined by a preconstruction site inventory;
• final grading, topsoil replacement, installation of erosion control structures, seeding and mulching be completed within 30 days of backfill except when weather conditions, extenuating circumstances or unforeseen developments prevent it;
• all reclamation including choice of seed mixes, method of reseeding, weed and erosion control measures and monitoring be conducted in accordance with the Federal Seed Act, the Nebraska Seed Law and the Noxious Weed Control Act; and
• mulch be installed as required by site contours, seeding methods and weather conditions or when requested by a landowner.

The bill passed on a 46-0 vote and takes effect immediately.

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