
Community college funding bill advances

A bill that would establish a new funding formula for state aid to community colleges advanced from general file Jan. 30.

LB946, introduced by York Sen. Greg Adams, would establish a formula for appropriating funds to the state’s community colleges. Adams said the formula proposal was the result of the hard work and determination of all six community colleges.

“This is literally the culmination of three years of hard work to find a compromise,” Adams said. “In the final analysis, we arrived at this proposal.”

Funds would be distributed based on a number of factors under the bill. The initial amount of appropriated state aid – up to $87.8 million – would be allocated based on the proportionate share of aid received by each community college for fiscal year 2012-13.

Funds in excess of the $87.8 million – up to $500,000 – would be appropriated to the Nebraska Community College Student Performance and Occupational Education Grant Fund. The six schools could apply for any portion of that money. An appointed committee would determine how that money would be allocated.

Any funds remaining after the first two allocations have been made would be distributed as follows:
• 25 percent divided equally among the six community colleges;
• 45 percent based on each school’s average full-time enrollment numbers; and
• 30 percent based on each college’s average reimbursable educational units.

Beginning in FY2013-14, community colleges also would be granted aggregate levy authority of 11.25 cents per $100 of taxable valuation.

Norfolk Sen. Mike Flood supported the bill, saying it would enable community colleges to focus on doing what they do best.

“Community colleges are providing opportunities that make real differences in the lives of Nebraska families,” he said.

Senators advanced the bill on a 40-1 vote.

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