
Centennial Mall funds sought

The Appropriations Committee heard testimony Jan. 23 on a bill that would appropriate $1.2 million to assist in renovating Lincoln’s Centennial Mall.

LB859, introduced by Lincoln Sen. Bill Avery, would establish the Centennial Mall Project Fund and make a one-time, general fund transfer of $1.2 million to the fund.

Avery explained that Centennial Mall is a seven-block area of the capitol environs district stretching from the north side of the Nebraska State Capitol building to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus.

Avery said the city of Lincoln, the University Foundation and private citizens have partnered to raise millions to renovate the mall, which has fallen into disrepair. He said the bill’s appropriation would represent the state’s commitment to assisting with renovating and restoring the two blocks directly north of the Capitol.

“The mall belongs to all of us,” he said. “It should be something we can take pride in. It should be something of beauty.”

Lincoln Mayor Chris Beutler spoke in favor of the bill. He said the state owns approximately 30 percent of the facilities along the mall and should contribute to ensuring the safety and security of those who use the area.

The $1.2 million figure represents the cost of safe, accessible and disability-compliant walkways for the two blocks closest to the Capitol building, he said. The city and other partners are contributing the rest of the $9.6 million overall cost of the project, he said, which includes a $1.5 million endowment for maintenance.

“But we’re here asking for a little help from the state,” Beutler said.

No one testified in opposition and the committee took no immediate action on the bill.

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