Natural Resources

Natural resource program to employ at-risk youth advanced

Senators advanced a bill from general file April 26 that would create a program to employ at-risk youth in natural resource conservation jobs.

Omaha Sen. Brenda Council introduced LB549, a bill that would create the Nebraska Youth Conservation Program. A Natural Resources Committee amendment replaced the original provisions of the bill and would require that participants in the program be unemployed, at-risk youth between the ages of 16 and 21. Participants in the program would be paid minimum wage.

The amendment also would require the state Game and Parks Commission to administer the program and collaborate with government, educational and community partners for the benefit of participants.

The purpose of the program is to encourage at-risk youth to be productive in society and engage in projects that could enhance the state’s parks and recreation facilities, Council said, instead of engaging in harmful and unproductive behavior.

Omaha Sen. Brad Ashford spoke in support of the bill and said it would help address the problem of youth and gang violence throughout the state. When youth work programs were made available in Omaha, he said, it resulted in a significant lessening of violence in the area.

“My experience in working on these issues has been that receiving a paycheck from an employer is a wonderful event for young people who have never received that,” Ashford said. “This [bill] is a magnificent example of playing to the strengths of Nebraska.”

The amendment was adopted 36-0 and the bill advanced from general file on a 36-0 vote.

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