Health and Human Services

State benefits for noncitizens eliminated

State benefits for some noncitizen permanent residents were eliminated by a bill passed April 8.

LB465, introduced by Lincoln Sen. Kathy Campbell at the request of the governor, eliminates state-only benefits for certain noncitizen permanent residents who are in the United States legally but do not qualify for benefits under federal guidelines.

Current federal guidelines require that permanent residents be in the U.S. for five years to qualify for benefits, but states can choose to provide benefits without using federal funds.

Lawful noncitizens who met income and other requirements were eligible to participate in Nebraska’s state-option Medicaid program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Temporary Aid to Needy Families and aid to the aged, blind and disabled regardless of when they entered the country. LB465 eliminates those benefits.

The bill passed on a 33-8 vote.

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