Government Military and Veterans Affairs

Bill would allow vehicle donations

Political subdivisions would be allowed to donate certain motor vehicles to charitable organizations under a bill advanced from general file March 29.

LB628, introduced by Omaha Sen. Tanya Cook, would allow a political subdivision to donate to a charitable organization any motor vehicle that has reached the end of its useful life. Cook said surplus vehicles could provide reliable work transportation for people in need.

“LB628 addresses one of the major barriers to the self-sufficiency of low-income Nebraskans,” she said.

Hoskins Sen. Dave Bloomfield opposed the bill, saying local governments can benefit from selling older vehicles, even if the profit is only a few hundred dollars. A vehicle that is donated instead of sold represents money not returned to local coffers, he said.

“At some point the taxpayer has to be protected,” Bloomfield said.

Sen. Scott Lautenbaugh of Omaha offered an amendment, adopted 30-0, which includes provisions from LB139, which he introduced. The amendment would authorize a county to sell obsolete mobile equipment with a value of less than $5,000 without going through a standard competitive bidding process.

Lautenbaugh said the amendment would allow counties flexibility in disposing of surplus property while providing them a small revenue stream.

The bill advanced to select file on a vote of 36-1.

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