Consumer protections updated
A bill that grants Nebraska’s attorney general increased powers to prosecute businesses and business owners for deceptive or unfair trade practices was given final approval by lawmakers April 11.
LB934, introduced by Lincoln Sen. Carolyn Bosn, authorizes the attorney general to bring a trial by jury under the Consumer Protection Act or the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act. A defendant also could demand a jury trial for claims brought under either act.
Under the bill, the attorney general can freeze assets of businesses or business owners suspected of engaging in deceptive practices with reasonable cause.
LB934 also includes provisions of Omaha Sen. Christy Armendariz’s LB1096, which expand the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act to include the creation, distribution, monetization or promotion of sexually explicit conduct, obscene material or material that is harmful to a minor as deceptive trade practices.
LB934 passed on a 46-0 vote and takes effect immediately.