Day three bill introduction
Among the 56 measures proposed were:
LB95, sponsored by Sen. Julie Slama of Dunbar, which would adopt the Asbestos Trust Claims Transparency Act and the Asbestos Claims Priorities and Claims Legitimacy Act and change a statute of limitations;
LB99, introduced by Omaha Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh, which would adopt the Hunger-Free Schools Act;
LB101, sponsored by Sen. Steve Erdman of Bayard, which would provide for an exemption from the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act for certain agricultural operations;
LB107, introduced by Omaha Sen. Mike McDonnell, which would create the offense of digital grooming and prohibit using an electronic communication device or social media to engage in certain conduct with minors;
LB115, introduced by Lincoln Sen. Jane Raybould, which would adopt the Family Home Visitation Act;
LB123, sponsored by Sen. John Fredrickson of Omaha, which would adopt the Behavior Analyst Practice Act;
LB124, introduced by Columbus Sen. Mike Moser, which would change the termination date for the County Bridge Match Program;
LB133, sponsored by Sen. John Cavanaugh of Omaha, which would provide that entities exercising the power of eminent domain are subject to the Open Meetings Act;
LB142, introduced by Albion Sen. Tom Briese, which would limit the amount an insured pays for prescription insulin drugs; and
LB145, sponsored by Sen. Eliot Bostar of Lincoln, which would change provisions relating to coverage for screening mammography and breast examinations.
A complete list of bills introduced thus far is available at New bills may be introduced for the first 10 legislative days, or until Jan. 18.