
Senators advance NET and board changes

Two bills advanced from general file Feb. 7: one would eliminate one of the two required locations for an educational television network and the other would eliminate the per diem for the Board of Educational Land and Funds members.

LB331, introduced by York Sen. Greg Adams, would remove a requirement that the educational television network of Nebraska have two production facilities. The bill also would eliminate the requirement that one of the facilities be located in Omaha.

LB332, also introduced by Adams, would eliminate the $40 per diem for members of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds beginning Oct. 1, 2011. Members would continue to be paid necessary traveling expenses incurred while performing board business.

The bills were part of a bundle of recommended cuts proposed by the Education Committee, Adams said.

LB331 advanced on a 38-0 vote and LB332 advanced 31-0.

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