Government Military and Veterans Affairs

Uniform guidelines for election workers sought

The secretary of state would provide uniform guidelines for election workers under a bill heard by the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee Jan. 21.

LB97, introduced by Wilber Sen. Russ Karpisek, would require the secretary of state to provide the guidelines and make them available online. The guidelines would address the conduct of election workers and take into account differences in size and population among Nebraska’s counties.

Karpisek said county election officials new to the election process would benefit from a guide. Since the secretary of state already is charged with the training of local election officials, he said, the guidelines would be within the scope of the office.

The neighboring states of Kansas, Iowa, South Dakota, Wyoming, North Dakota and Minnesota have already developed similar guidelines, he said.

“Publication of a statewide election guide by the secretary of state’s office is by no means a new development,” Karpisek said.

Adam Morfeld, representing Nebraskans for Civic Reform, spoke in support of LB97. He said guidelines would provide uniformity and reduce instances of election officials using outdated resource materials.

Neal Erickson, deputy secretary of state for elections, testified in opposition. He said the secretary of state’s office already trains local officials and provides them with materials to train their poll workers.

“We have to oppose pieces of legislation that ask us to do these additional duties that really aren’t helping the process at all,” he said.

The committee took no immediate action on the bill.

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