Omnibus labor bill passed
Lawmakers passed a bill July 21 that makes several changes to existing employment regulations.

LB1016, as introduced by Lincoln Sen. Matt Hansen, prohibits an employer from retaliating or discriminating against an employee who files a suit or complaint or otherwise participates in an investigation under the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act.
An employee who works for a company that is not subject to the Nebraska Fair Employment Practice Act—and alleges a violation of the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act—can bring a suit against their employer to recover damages resulting from the violation.
Citations issued to employers for violations under LB1016 must be paid before the employer may contract with the state or any political subdivision.
LB1016 includes the provisions of two additional bills.
Peru Sen. Julie Slama introduced LB788, which changes the fee for contractor registration from $40 to no more than $40. LB926, introduced by the committee, changes the citation process under the Employee Classification Act to mirror the Nebraska Wage Payment and Collection Act.
The bill passed on a 42-4 vote and takes effect immediately.