Statute of limitations exception for child sex assault amended, advanced
Retroactive provisions were removed from a bill that would provide child victims of sexual assault more time to seek damages file April 25.

LB300, introduced by Omaha Sen. Bob Krist, would eliminate the statute of limitations for any civil action brought against a perpetrator of sexual assault against a child. Under the bill, civil action against any person or entity other than the individual perpetrator could be brought only within 12 years of the victim’s 21st birthday.
Krist introduced an amendment on select file, adopted 35-0, that removed a provision added in previous debate that would have allowed the bill’s provisions to be applied retroactively to cases that had exceeded the statute of limitations.
Krist said he proposed the removal to address concerns about the constitutionality of applying the bill retroactively.
The bill was advanced to final reading by voice vote.