Natural Resources

New uses of wastewater treatment funds approved

Lawmakers passed a bill Feb. 18 that expands funding for wastewater treatment and sewage facilities.

LB737, introduced by Sen. Curt Friesen of Henderson, expands the eligible funded activities for public entities seeking loans from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. The fund provides low-interest loans and community matching grants to towns and cities for the construction of wastewater treatment facilities and sanitary sewer collection systems.

The purchase of land used for construction of water treatment facilities is now eligible for the loans, as are projects that conserve or reuse water. This includes the recycling or reuse of storm water, wastewater and subsurface drainage water, as well as the development and construction of watershed projects.

The bill increases the fund’s loan terms from the current 20 years to a maximum of 30 years, or the projected life of the project, whichever is less.

LB737 passed 46-0.

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