Government Military and Veterans Affairs

Bill would expand electronic voting

Publicly elected bodies would conduct electronic roll call votes under a bill discussed by the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee Jan. 21.

Currently, only specific political subdivisions can use an electronic role call vote for any action taken on any question or motion before the body. LB876, introduced by Gretna Sen. John Murante, would expand the electronic voting option to all public bodies.

Murante said that the idea for the bill was brought by many public subdivisions.

“[LB876] does not have anything to do with the election process but it will allow voting to be done in a more expeditious manner,” he said.

John Spatz, representing the Nebraska Association of School Boards, testified in support of the bill. He said he frequently is asked why only some political subdivisions have the authority to conduct electronic roll call votes.

Spatz said electronic voting must accomplish two things: letting everyone in the crowd know how the officials voted, and, if the record is being read, allowing the public to know how the officials voted.

No one testified in opposition to the bill and the committee took no immediate action on it.

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