General Affairs

Problem gambling bill approved

Lawmakers gave final approval May 21 to a bill that makes several changes to the utilization of gaming funds for services to the state’s problem gamblers.

LB6, introduced by Omaha Sen. Bob Krist, establishes the Nebraska Commission on Problem Gambling within the state Department of Revenue. The nine-member commission will be required to develop operational standards for a Gamblers Assistance Program – also created by the bill – and will oversee the Compulsive Gamblers Assistance Fund.

Members, appointed by the governor from lists supplied by the General Affairs Committee, will include members of the medical and mental health care fields, as well as representatives from the banking and finance industry, education and consumers of problem gambling services.

Members will serve three-year terms and will be reimbursed for expenses.
The commission will:
• appoint the director of the Gamblers Assistance Program;
• evaluate the scope of problem gambling in Nebraska;
• contract with treatment providers for services; and
• create public awareness and outreach programs.

LB6 passed on a 48-0 vote.

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