
New controlled substances advanced

Senators gave first-round approval May 20 to a bill that would add substances and compounds to the Schedule I controlled substances list.

In order to be classified as a Schedule I drug under federal law, a drug or substance must have a high potential for abuse, lack an accepted safe use under medical supervision and have no currently accepted medical treatment use in the United States. No prescriptions may be written for Schedule I controlled substances and they are subject to production quotas by the federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

LB298, introduced by Omaha Sen. Beau McCoy, would make adamantoylindoles, tetramethylcyclopropanoylindoles and adamantylindole carboxamides and their compounds Schedule I controlled substances. The bill also would add to the list phenethylamine, tryptamine and any material, compound, mixture or preparation containing either compound.

McCoy said such substances and compounds make up synthetic cannabinoids used to make the drug commonly known as “Smiles.” He cited a Bellevue case in which a high school student committed suicide while on the drug.

“It is my hope that this bill will help with the effort to prevent these types of events from happening,” he said.

Omaha Sen. Ernie Chambers offered an amendment, adopted 33-0, which made a technical change to the bill.

The bill advanced from general file on a 34-0 vote.

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