
Expansion of elementary class size allowance proposed

The Education Committee heard testimony Feb. 12 on a bill that would allow increased class sizes for early elementary classrooms.

The current elementary class size allowance limits the number of students per certified teacher in kindergarten through third grade classrooms to between 10 and 20 students.

LB506, introduced by Lincoln Sen. Kate Bolz, would change the class size allowance for elementary classrooms with one certified teacher and one paraprofessional to a minimum of 21 students and a maximum of 28.

Bolz said recent demographic shifts have placed new pressures on elementary schools.

“Many schools with the will to provide smaller class sizes are limited by physical facility space,” she said. “This is a strategy that targets resources to educators of young students who benefit the most from highly trained teachers.”

Larry Scherer, representing the Nebraska State Educational Association, supported the bill, saying small class size benefits everyone.

“Smaller class sizes make a difference, especially for students with diverse needs,” Scherer said.

No one testified in opposition to the bill and the committee took no immediate action on it.

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