Day three bill introduction
Senators reconvened Jan. 7 to continue introduction of new bills.
Among the 48 measures introduced were:
LB864, sponsored by Creighton Sen. Tim Gragert, which would authorize qualified education loan payments under the Nebraska educational savings plan trust;
LB871, sponsored by Lincoln Sen. Matt Hansen, which would change provisions relating to meatpacking employees and employers and the Non-English-Speaking Workers Protection Act;
LB873, sponsored by Henderson Sen. Curt Friesen, which would change provisions relating to the levy authority for community college areas;
LB876, sponsored by Albion Sen. Tom Briese, which would change provisions relating to powers and duties of the state Racing and Gaming Commission and the Nebraska Racetrack Gaming Act and authorize gaming operator and racetrack licenses;
LB878, sponsored by Omaha Sen. John Cavanaugh, which would provide for automatic review of bail and conditions of release for misdemeanors or violations of city or village ordinances;
LB890, sponsored by Fremont Sen. Lynne Walz, which would change the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act;
LB900, sponsored by Kearney Sen. John Lowe, which would change provisions relating to microdistilleries to allow up to five physical locations;
LB902, sponsored by Grand Island Sen. Ray Aguilar, which would adopt the Nebraska Career Scholarship Act;
LB903, sponsored by Lincoln Sen. Eliot Bostar, which would change provisions relating to criminal privacy violations and prohibit spying by unmanned aircraft; and
LB906, sponsored by Blair Sen. Ben Hansen, which would require employers to provide for vaccine exemptions and provide duties for the state Department of Health and Human Services.
A complete list of bills introduced thus far is available at New bills may be introduced for the first 10 legislative days, or until Jan. 20.