General Affairs

Statehood license plates approved

Lawmakers passed a bill Feb. 20 that authorizes specialty license plates in celebration of Nebraska’s 150th anniversary of statehood in 2017.

The Nebraska 150 Sesquicentennial Plate will be available as an alphanumeric or a personalized message plate under LB220, introduced by Papillion Sen. Jim Smith. The alphanumeric version of the plate will display up to seven characters and will not display county designators.

The plates will be available from Oct. 1, 2015 to Dec. 31, 2022. An initial application and renewal fee of $70 will be required. Fifty-seven percent of the fee will be credited to the Nebraska 150 Sesquicentennial License Plate Fund, also created by the bill.

The bill passed on a 49-0 vote.

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