
Visioning process proposed for state education

A common statewide vision for education is the focus of a bill discussed during an Education Committee hearing Feb. 10.

LB1103, introduced by the Education Committee, would authorize members of the committee to conduct a strategic planning process to create the statewide vision. Committee chairperson Kate Sullivan of Cedar Rapids said the Legislature must begin the process to achieve the best possible results for all students in the state.

“I believe strongly that Nebraskans truly value and put a high priority on education,” she said. “With ever growing needs and challenges, we must not only be wise in the use of our resources but also leverage those resources to get the most out of them.”

Members of the committee could conduct meetings, work sessions and focus groups to discuss aspirational goals, visionary objectives, meaningful priorities and practical strategies. The committee also would be require to hold at least three public hearings throughout the state to receive testimony from the general public.

Lincoln East High School senior Imani Wilson spoke in support of the bill, saying there still is a significant achievement gap affecting minority students.

“The research and planning process recommended in this bill is necessary to ensure Nebraska’s educational system continues to be relevant and effective,” she said. “It will point us in a direction that will erase the achievement gap and initiate programs and policies that will help more of my classmates walk across the stage on graduation day.”

The committee would be required to submit a report to the clerk of the Legislature by Dec. 31, 2014.

No one testified in opposition of the bill and the committee took no immediate action on it.

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