
Task force would evaluate Medicaid reimbursement in schools

Schools could see more federal reimbursement for services provided under a bill discussed in an Education Committee hearing Feb. 21.

LB1068, introduced by York Sen. Greg Adams, would establish the Medicaid in the Public Schools Task Force. The task force would be responsible for studying the Medicaid reimbursement procedure to determine if state schools are eligible for additional funds. Adams said schools may not be taking full advantage of reimbursements for all eligible services under Medicaid.

“This bill facilitates schools being able to make requests for other services,” Adams said. “If we’re going to expand these services, let’s do it right and include all the important players.”

The task force would comprise representatives including:
• six members of the Education, Health and Human Services and Appropriations committees;
• two members of the state Department of Education special education department;
• two representatives of the state Department of Health and Human Services, including one who works specifically with Medicaid reimbursements; and
• multiple school board representatives.

John Spatz, representing the Nebraska Association of School Boards, testified in support of the bill, saying the task force is necessary to understanding the complicated reimbursement process.

“We need to bring people to the table who can offer some input into how to do this properly,” Spatz said.

No one testified in opposition to the bill and the committee took no immediate action.

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