
Civic education requirements advance

Senators advanced a bill from general file March 15 that would add requirements to high school civic education curricula.

High school students currently must take a civic course in at least two grade levels.
LB544, introduced by Boys Town Sen. Rich Pahls, would require that those courses include students’ active participation in improving their society and the practice of civil discourse between opposing interests.

The state Department of Education currently is developing social studies standards, Pahls said, so now is a good time to make the requirements.

“The standards will set where social studies will go in the future,” Pahls said. “Students are starting to see the need for positive change and they can have a tremendous effect on us.”

York Sen. Greg Adams spoke in support of the bill, saying the additions would not be burdensome for teachers and would improve the social studies curricula.

Sen. Gwen Howard of Omaha also spoke in support of the bill, saying students need the opportunity to have pride in their government and its process.

The bill advanced from general file on a 40-0 vote.

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