Transportation and Telecommunications

Bill to eliminate PSC railroad inspection program advances

The state Public Service Commission would no longer conduct a railroad inspection program under a bill advanced from general file March 10.

LB255, introduced by the Transportation and Telecommunications Committee, is estimated to save $124,000 annually.

Committee chairperson Sen. Deb Fischer of Valentine said the bill would eliminate two full-time positions that provide spot-checks of railroads. Existing federal oversight and industry inspection would ensure adequate safety, she said.

Kearney Sen. Galen Hadley said Colorado, Kansas, South Dakota and Wyoming have no state inspection programs. Eliminating two positions would not hinder railroad safety, he said.

Sen. LeRoy Louden of Ellsworth spoke in opposition to the bill, saying Nebraska has some of the busiest railroads in the world and should not compromise railroad safety.

“[Inspections aren’t] something that you can expect the [railroad] corporations to do themselves,” Louden said.

Omaha Sen. Steve Lathrop said the railroad inspection program should be retained because state inspectors ensure that comprehensive railroad accident reports are available to the public.

Lawmakers voted 27-12 to advance LB255 from general file.

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