DMV omnibus bill passed
Senators passed a bill April 12 that makes a number of changes to laws regarding the state Department of Motor Vehicles.

Among other provisions, LB750, introduced by Henderson Sen. Curt Friesen:
• authorizes former military vehicles to tow designated trailers;
• allows motorboats and UTV/ATVs to have a transfer-on-death designation on the certificate of title;
• removes a notary requirement for vehicle major component part bills of sale;
• allows previously salvaged titles to be issued initially if a vehicle has been properly inspected; and
• reduces from eight to four hours the driver improvement course requirement for individuals younger than 21.
The bill includes provisions of six additional measures:
LB714, sponsored by Lincoln Sen. Suzanne Geist, which requires that $3 from each Class O operator’s license and state identification card issued and valid for five years be deposited in the DMV Cash Fund and used to open and operate an additional operator’s license center;
LB913, sponsored by Brainard Sen. Bruce Bostelman, which changes provisions regarding highway and road construction related to extreme weather events;
LB1022, sponsored by Friesen, which modifies the distribution of fees for the 24/7 sobriety program permit established in 2021 so that the portion of the fee distributed to the county is distributed to the county that issued the permit, not the county of residence of the individual receiving the permit;
LB1145, also sponsored by Friesen, which stipulates that a law enforcement agency is not prohibited from disclosing the age of an operator included in any motor vehicle accident report;
LB1259, sponsored by Lincoln Sen. Suzanne Geist, which increases the issuance fee for new license plates and renewal tabs from not more than $3.50 to not more than $4.25 per plate, starting Jan. 1, 2023; and
LB1266, sponsored by Hastings Sen. Steve Halloran, which stipulates that individuals 65 or older may receive free or reduced rates from regulated common carriers.
LB750 passed on a 46-0 vote and took effect immediately.