Day seven bill introduction
Nineteen new bills were introduced Jan. 11.
These included:
LB984, sponsored by Grand Island Sen. Dan Quick, which would change provisions of the Nebraska Lottery and Raffle Act relating to special permits and gross proceeds;
LB985, sponsored by Omaha Sen. Sara Howard, which would provide for state funding of prenatal care under the medical assistance program;
LB987, sponsored by Columbus Sen. Paul Schumacher, which would adopt the Uniform Regulation of Virtual-Currency Businesses Act;
LB988, sponsored by Lincoln Sen. Patty Pansing Brooks, which would adopt an affirmative consent standard with respect to sexual assault;
LB989, sponsored by Lincoln Sen. Anna Wishart, which would authorize testing of autonomous vehicles by a city of the primary class on its roadways;
LB992, sponsored by Lincoln Sen. Kate Bolz, which would provide for release from a residential lease for a victim of domestic violence and eviction of a perpetrator of domestic violence;
LB994, sponsored by Henderson Sen. Curt Friesen, which would create the Rural Broadband Study Task Force, change provisions relating to the Nebraska Telecommunications Universal Service Fund and change powers and duties of the Public Service Commission as prescribed;
LB995, sponsored by Elkhorn Sen. Lou Ann Linehan, which would require the filing of a statement of financial interests by individuals holding elective office of a school district under the Nebraska Political Accountability and Disclosure Act;
LB997, sponsored by Gretna Sen. John Murante, which would provide limits on salaries of administrative employees of political subdivisions; and
LB998, sponsored by Fremont Sen. Lynne Walz, which would create the Collaborative School Behavioral and Mental Health Program.
A complete list of introduced bills is available at New bills may be introduced for the first 10 legislative days, or until Jan. 18.
Court Chief Justice Michael Heavican will give the State of the Judiciary address on Jan. 18.
The session will last 60 legislative days and tentatively is scheduled to adjourn April 18.