Urban Affairs

Zoning ordinance changes adopted

A bill passed Feb. 29 will require some municipalities to provide notification to a county board before changing zoning ordinances within their extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction (ETJ).

Under LB295, sponsored by Norfolk Sen. Jim Scheer, a first- or second-class city or village will be required to provide the county board of a county in which the municipalities’ ETJ is located with written notice of—and the opportunity to comment on—proposed zoning ordinance changes within the ETJ.

A municipality may make its final decision on proposed changes within an ETJ either 30 days following notice given to the county or when a county board submits comments or recommendations to the city prior to the expiration of the 30 days.

The bill does not apply to cities or villages located in a county with a population greater than 100,000 or counties in which the city and county have a joint planning commission or joint planning department.

The bill passed on a 46-0 vote.

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