Government Military and Veterans Affairs

Tourism signage requested

Members of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee heard testimony Feb. 26 on a bill that would encourage tourists to visit more of the state.

LB571, introduced by Bancroft Sen. Lydia Brasch, would authorize the Nebraska Tourism Commission to install highway tourism markers for attractions the commission deems important to the state.

“[LB571] recognizes the importance of significant tourism attractions throughout the state and the need to establish markers that bring tourists and citizens to them,” she said. “This will allow us to enhance our efforts in increasing tourism, which provides an important component for our state’s economic base.”

The cost to the state Department of Roads for a highway marker currently is $300 for two markers, not including the cost of installation.

Former state senator LeRoy Louden spoke in favor of the bill, saying that it is in all citizens’ best interests to encourage tourism.

“There are attractions in Nebraska that require signage that encourage tourists to visit and stay in the area longer,” he said. “Money and time spent in the state is a benefit not only to the communities but the state’s economy as well. [LB571] is an economical way of accomplishing [these goals].”

No one testified in opposition and the committee took no immediate action on the bill.

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